AI4A - Ambient Information 4 All

Zoo + Fossilium, Bochum, Germany

Projekt Partner:
Tierpark + Fossilium Bochum and netzfactor


The aim of the project is to develop a completely barrier-free multi-modal experience and information system using the example of the Tierpark + Fossilium Bochum.

As a special feature for the blind and visually impaired, a virtual, tactile map of the surroundings is available within an app, which, in combination with a real guidance system for the blind, significantly supports the user in finding their way around the zoo. The positive user experience, characterised by fun, serves as a tool to provide necessary information in the form of different communication methods for the respective target group: Blind / visually impaired, deaf / hearing impaired, people with limited mobility such as wheelchair users and school classes.

The concept of “universal design” offers additional benefits for all user groups (e.g. families, senior citizens).

A particular technical challenge here is the development and integration of a smart guidance system for the blind based on a tactile route model provided via the app.

The project is being funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the CreateMedia.NRW lead market competition.