
Dinslaken, Germany

Architects: blocher partners, Stuttgart
Hoba Steel products: SPIN® SAFE single studs and single ribs Plan (type SK)

Complex refurbishment and extension of a city hall of great regional and cultural importance

According to § 4 of the German Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons Act (BGG), the aim of DIN 18040-1-3 is to ensure the accessibility of buildings so that they can be used by people with disabilities in the usual way, accessible and usable for people with disabilities without any particular difficulty and, in principle, without outside help. 

The Kathrin-Türks-Halle is a cultural centre in the city centre and a permanent institution for people in the city and the region. The architects set themselves the goal of making this cultural centre usable and accessible for everyone through a complex renovation and extension.

The result is one of the most beautiful event centres in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region, which responds to current and future needs through architectural functionality. The rooms can be used in a variety of ways, the main hall is multifunctional and different areas are barrier-free.

Hoba Steel SPIIN® SAFE individual indicators with a project-specific adhesive system were selected to realise the tactile guidance system. Visually recognisable guidelines consisting of SPIN® SAFE individual ribs provide orientation and guide visitors to the target areas that are accessible to the public. The Hoba Steel SPIN® SAFE individual studs form the attention fields that warn of danger points and level changes and the turning fields that provide information about changing direction.

The fulfilment of accessibility requirements enables equal and safe use of this cultural facility for a variety of user groups. The center thus emphasises its importance as a place for all people.